Alfalfa Sprout Recipes and Growing

Grow sprouts anywhere and on the go, as well as delicious and healthy sprout recipes.

By Gay Courter
Updated on November 26, 2024
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by Adobestock/ehaurylik

Learn how to grow sprouts anywhere and on the go, as well as delicious, healthy, and flexible alfalfa sprout recipes from author Gay Courter.

“I’m convinced,” says Gay Courter, “that sprouts do contain a varied and powerful battery of nutrients, rivaling citrus fruits in vitamin C and beef in protein, and surpassing almost any other known food source in completeness.”

And if that isn’t enough to convince you to try raising and eating your own homegrown shoots, Gay Courter (author of The Beansprout Book) adds that the squiggly little vegetables are delicious, quite economical, and an ideal food for weight watchers (one fully packed cup of mung, alfalfa, or radish shoots, for instance, contains only about 16 calories).

Perhaps most important of all, sprouting is fun — and easy for hikers, students, farmers, salesmen, truckers…or anyone who wants to enjoy fresh and natural food all year round. “If you can reach a supply of water twice daily, and if the temperature is within the range of comfort for human habitation,” Gay says, “there’s no place too small or remote for sprouting!”

Choosing Seed Sprouts

Experts contend that virtually 99 percent of all vegetation is edible in the sprout stage, but you shouldn’t try to cultivate either potato or tomato sprouts, which are said to be poisonous if eaten in quantity.

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