How to Sprout Mung Beans (Video)

Use this short video to learn how to sprout mung beans using a juice carton, so you can have tasty, fresh bean sprouts in just a few days.

Reader Contribution by Shelley Stonebrook
Published on January 12, 2016
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by Adobe Stock/gamjai

Mung beans, also known as bean sprouts, can be sprouted indoors anytime, and they take just five days to grow. Growing your own bean sprouts is a great way to get fresh food quickly, even in winter. You don’t even need any special kitchen equipment to do so. You can sprout the mung beans in a juice carton to keep the beans in the dark and encourage a crisper, whiter sprout. Our short video shows you how to do it, and here are the basic steps:

Day 1

Rinse a half -cup of mung beans, then soak overnight or for at least 12 hours.

Day 2

Wash out an empty juice carton with soapy water, and rinse. Nick holes into the top corners of the carton, just large enough for water (but not the beans) to drain out.

Drain the soaked beans, then pour them into the carton using a funnel. Fill with lukewarm water and screw on the lid. Turn the carton upside down to drain the water out through the holes.

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