How to Grow Sprouts

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on November 1, 1971
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Sprouts are truly a miracle food. You can grow them almost any time and any place on only water, air and sometimes a little sunlight.
Sprouts are truly a miracle food. You can grow them almost any time and any place on only water, air and sometimes a little sunlight.
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You can produce a new crop every two to six days with a total of, maybe, 10 minutes work.
You can produce a new crop every two to six days with a total of, maybe, 10 minutes work.
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It only takes about a tablespoon of alfalfa seeds and two or three times that amount of beans or peas to
It only takes about a tablespoon of alfalfa seeds and two or three times that amount of beans or peas to "plant" 25-30 square inches.
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In three to six days, depending on temperature (80-90° is best for most) and seed variety, your sprouts will again have doubled or tripled in volume and you'll have yourself some mighty good and nourishing eating.
In three to six days, depending on temperature (80-90° is best for most) and seed variety, your sprouts will again have doubled or tripled in volume and you'll have yourself some mighty good and nourishing eating.

Sprouts: a miracle food for a nickel a pound. One of the basic tenets of the (Heaven forbid!) Protestant
Ethic is you don’t get something for nothing . . .
and the way we’ve allowed the system to become organized,
that’s certainly true. In fact, you could say more
than true.

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