Sprouting And Growing Mung Beans In Your Garden

Reader Contribution by Susan Tipton-Fox and The Mushroom Hut @ Fox Farms
Published on March 11, 2020
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This is the time of year one starts thinking about planning their garden for the coming season and maybe trying something a little different this year.

I have been enjoying mung beans in the sprouted form for many years now. I came to find out about the mung bean and its benefits many years ago after receiving chemotherapy. I became anemic and had to search out sources to bring my iron levels up in order to increase my RBC (Red Blood Cell Count).

Mung beans are a very valuable legume. They are sources of not only iron but, many vitamins, minerals and a bonus for me, high in protein.For those that are doing plant-based diets, mung beans are one of the best sources for plant protein.

Warning: As with most beans they contain some phytic acid (which reduces absorption of calcium, zinc and magnesium) and should be soaked for a few hours to leach this out before cooking. The good thing about sprouts is that it reduces this phytic acid through the sprouting process.

Where to Find Mung Beans

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