Recipes, Cooking Tips and Nutrition Information for Healthy, Whole-Grain Foods

By Staff
Published on November 20, 2012
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Whole grains factor into every global cuisine, yet most of us could benefit from getting more of these nutritious gems into our daily diet. Unlike the refined white flour in most processed food, whole grains contain plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals, while being low in calories. Besides being great for your health, whole grains come in a diverse array of rich, nutty flavors and satisfying textures.

Whole grains are also versatile, with a wide range of flavors and textures to complement many dishes, both sweet and savory — and even gluten-free. They work as marvelously in hot breakfast cereals and cold breakfast muffins as they do in popped snacks, side dishes, breads and casseroles. Plus, they’re inexpensive and filling. You can make whole grains the star of the meal or hide them in your favorite recipes.

Since its inception in 1970, MOTHER EARTH NEWS has been a leading source of information on natural, whole grains. Perhaps you want to learn to grow or harvest your own grain, grind it with your own home flour mill or find out which grain mills are best. MOTHER is your source. If you’re interested in learning how to cook whole grains to their best advantage or simply want to discover some delicious whole-grain recipes, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also introduce you to some of the best whole grain suppliers around the country, plus a number of cookbooks and other resources to help you get started cooking everything from amaranth, barley and bulgur to farro, quinoa and wild rice.

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