How To Make Sauerkraut in a Crock

Wondering what to do with extra cabbage? Learn how to make sauerkraut in a crock for a tasty and nutritious snack or side.

By Megan Phelps
Updated on August 27, 2022
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by AdobeStock/Madeleine Steinbach

Wondering what to do with extra cabbage? Learn how to make sauerkraut in a crock for a tasty and nutritious snack or side.

If you’ve only eaten store-bought, canned sauerkraut, you owe it to yourself to try the homemade variety. Fresh sauerkraut has a crunchier texture, a delightfully tangy flavor and a much greater potential for interesting recipes.

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When European immigrants brought the technique for fermenting cabbage to the United States, many of their recipes included surprising ingredients, such as apples, turnips, juniper berries, wine, and garlic. In fact, traditional sauerkraut is very similar to the Korean dish kimchi, a food that’s also made with fermented cabbage but contains additional vegetables, such as radishes and cucumbers, and is seasoned with ginger and other spices.

There’s nothing wrong with the classic, just-plain-cabbage variety of sauerkraut usually eaten on a hot dog or pork chop. But homemade sauerkraut made with additional vegetables, herbs, and spices is more than a condiment; it’s a delicious side dish all on its own — and a surprisingly healthy one.

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