Grow Edible Edging Plants for Borders

What are some plants I can grow along my property lines? Our experts are here to answer all your gardening questions.

By Jenny Underwood
Published on November 5, 2024
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Grow edible edging plants for borders along your property lines for fresh edible foodscaping crops all year round.

Borders are great places to make use of permanent or perennial plants. An even better idea is to make sure they’re edible!

First off, consider your neighbors. Do they spray anything poisonous on or near the border between you? If so, you may need to create a barrier that prevents the spray from crossing into your space, or talk to them and offer to keep the adjoining area trimmed in exchange for them not spraying.

Also consider your animal neighbors, tame or wild. To keep them out, you may want a fence. In some areas, a short fence or an electric fence will work, while in the case of deer or elk, you may need a tall, welded-wire fence or a board fence. Plant your borders a few feet in from the fence if you’ve had problems with animals reaching into your space and browsing.

Plants for Edible Foodscaping

Before you plant, outline your goals. Are you hoping to shield your property from neighbors or a highway? If so, consider planting layered borders, starting with trees and working down in height. If you want a hedge, consider a thick line of bramble fruits. Mulch on both sides of the hedges for easier caretaking. A good method for creating a hedge is to run a fence and plant both sides with bramble fruit, tying them up as they grow. If you’re wanting a windbreak, plant serviceberry shrubs in a thick row. These will form a wonderfully dense wall.

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