Best Hardy Raspberry and Blackberry Varieties

Reader Contribution by Paul M. Otten
Published on April 10, 2014
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Winter hardiness is crucial when growing brambles as perennial crops, especially in regions like the Upper Midwest.
Winter hardiness is crucial when growing brambles as perennial crops, especially in regions like the Upper Midwest.

Reprinted with permission from theOrganic Broadcaster newspaper, published by the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service (MOSES)

Bramble berries—raspberries and blackberries—can be great additions to the diversified market farm or orchard. They are a favorite at farmers markets, in CSA boxes, and at pick-your-own operations. They are a perennial crop that will produce for many seasons if cared for properly. Successful bramble production depends on several factors, including soil and cultivar selection.

As organic growers, we know we must build and steward the soil to grow nutrient-dense, health-sustaining, disease- and insect-free crops. Healthy soil is especially important for growing bramble berries since half of each plant resides in the soil. What we see above ground is nearly a 100 percent reflection of what transpires below ground, in the soil environment. We can only do so much about the above-ground environment— temperatures, rain, winds, etc.—but we can do a lot about the environment in which half of our plants live.

Insects and diseases are not the primary cause of problems in berry production. Of greater importance is the environment in which the plants are grown, and no part of the environment is more important than the soil.

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