In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, editor Russell Mullien, and Charlotte French discuss Rob’s journey from an average, materialistic guy to well-known eco-activist and adventurer, working to live deliberately.

Rob Greenfield is an adventurer, activist, humanitarian, and dude making a difference. He is dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable and just world, and learning to live deliberately. He is the creator of The Food Waste Fiasco, a campaign that strives to end food waste and hunger. He has cycled across the USA three times on a bamboo bicycle and lived off the grid in a 50 square-foot tiny home in San Diego before auctioning it and raising enough money to build 10 tiny houses for people with no homes. He now lives in Orlando, Florida where he is embarking on a project to grow and forage 100% of his food for a year.
Additional Resources:
One Man’s Trash is Another’s Weeknight Dinner: Lessons from a Dumpster Diver
Reusing Things: 100 Ideas of How to Reuse Commonly Thrown Away Items
It’s Time to Throw Out the Throwaway Economy
Our Podcast Team:
Carla Tilghman and Jessica Mitchell
Interview by Charlotte French and Russell Mulien
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The Mother Earth News and Friends Podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications