Adventures in Agritourism Podcast

By Podcast Team, Matt Wilkinson and Matt Stephens
Published on January 21, 2020
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In this episode of “Mother Earth News and Friends,” Charlotte French talks with Matt Wilkinson and Matt Stephens, two FAIR speakers, about the ways they use agritourism practices to bring more people and profits to their farms.

Matt Wilkinson and his family own and operate Hard Cider Homestead in New Jersey, where they currently run an Airbnb out of a 1950s Frolic trailer. He’s presented at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, since its inception, and is well-known for his humor, knowledge, and easy-to-understand explanations of homesteading techniques and systems. Find him in 2020 at the Texas and Pennsylvania FAIRS.

Matt Stephens grew up on a 65-acre hobby farm in Texas, which he returned to as an adult and expanded to include more than 300 acres. He looks to instill his love of life on a farmstead to his children, and to those who visit his farm for agritourism experiences and education. Find him in 2020 at the Tennessee, Polyface Farm, Texas, and Pennsylvania MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIRS.

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Our Podcast Team:

Podcast interviewer: Charlotte French
Podcast Editor:
Haley Casey
Podcast Editorial Team:
Carla Tilghman, Haley Casey, Jessica Mitchell, Jesse Nadeau

The “Mother Earth News and Friends” podcast is a production of Ogden Publications

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