Providing Natural Poultry Feed

By Harvey Ussery
Published on December 29, 2009
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Using natural poultry feed has follow-on benefits. For example, when chickens scratch through a compost pile searching for insects, worms, and other food they turn the compost, helping it mature more quickly.
Using natural poultry feed has follow-on benefits. For example, when chickens scratch through a compost pile searching for insects, worms, and other food they turn the compost, helping it mature more quickly.
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Ducks and geese enjoy a few laughs over a lunch of comfrey leaves.
Ducks and geese enjoy a few laughs over a lunch of comfrey leaves.
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Chickens will pick the seeds out of heads of sorghum, saving you time and labor.
Chickens will pick the seeds out of heads of sorghum, saving you time and labor.
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Turkeys eat grasses and plants if they have access to pasture.
Turkeys eat grasses and plants if they have access to pasture.
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Chickens in a moveable pen eat cover crops planted on these garden beds and work them into the soil.
Chickens in a moveable pen eat cover crops planted on these garden beds and work them into the soil.
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Young chickens gobble up black soldier fly larvae, which are high in protein and fat.
Young chickens gobble up black soldier fly larvae, which are high in protein and fat.
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In summer, ticks and other insects are a significant part of a guinea’s diet. A guinea hen will teach keets (guinea chicks) to forage.
In summer, ticks and other insects are a significant part of a guinea’s diet. A guinea hen will teach keets (guinea chicks) to forage.

In a time of economic constriction, a home poultry flock can contribute to food security — if you’re not totally dependent on purchasing poultry feed to keep it producing. The home flock that makes you more food-independent is the one that is fed, at least partly, from your homestead’s own resources. Fortunately, the natural feeds you can produce in your backyard are what chickens would eat in the wild: green plants, wild seeds, and animal foods, such as earthworms and insects — all fresher and more nutritious than anything you can buy in a bag.

Imagine feeding as a spectrum: On one end is a completely confined flock, eating exclusively what we offer them. Rigidly “scientifically balanced” feed is necessary, because the birds have no way to make up any deficiencies on their own. At the other end of the spectrum is a flock eating solely what it finds on its own in a completely natural setting — feeds that naturally balance its dietary needs. Of course, few of us have the land and time resources to provide our flocks with natural foods sufficient to sustain them completely. So, your feeding program will likely be somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

Pasturing the Flock

It’s possible for free-range flocks of poultry to feed themselves — if they have access to enough biologically diverse ground and protection from predators. My grandmother’s flock fed itself, ranging freely over a 100-acre farm. Geese can subsist exclusively on good grass after they’re a couple months old. Turkeys collect their own feed if allowed to glean ticks, wild persimmons, and acorns from wooded areas.

Pasturing our flocks during the growing season is the closest to complete free-ranging most of us can come. A pastured flock helps with pasture management: Grazing the turf means less mowing for us; eating wild seeds limits the “seed bank” for weeds; and potentially destructive leaf eaters, such as grasshoppers, don’t have a chance to multiply. Plus, the birds’ droppings boost soil fertility. Before concluding that pasturing your flock is not an option for you, remember that many small flock owners pasture their flocks on their lawns.

Conventional Grain and Legume Feeds for Chickens

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