1. Welcome to the Brooding Chicks Master Course!

Lacy Armentor
Lacy Armentor Uphill Farm

Backyard Poultry has been educating small flock owners at every experience level about all things poultry for more than 15 years. Our advice is researched, vetted, and trusted by flock owners across the nation and the globe.

We are excited to help you start your journey of raising your own chicks so that you can enjoy a happy, healthy flock.

I’m your instructor, Lacy Armentor. In the video below, I’ll summarize what we will cover in this course and walk you through how to navigate through the lessons. Press play to get started!

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Choose the ideal brooder, equipment, and supplies that best suit your own unique situation.
  • Know the environment, nutrition, and care that chicks need to thrive and successfully grow from hatchlings to adolescents.
  • Identify and troubleshoot environmental conditions in a brooder that may be detrimental to chicks.
  • Recognize common chick behavior and distinguish between normal behavior and behavior issues.
  • Know the basic indicators of chicken health and be able to identify the symptoms of stress, illness, disease, and physical defects, and treat them appropriately.
  • Evaluate chicks’ readiness to move outside, and successfully integrate new chicks to an existing flock.

Up Next

2. DIY Chicken Brooders & Other Brooder Basics For chicks that aren’t raised by hens, their first weeks of life are spent in a brooder. What is a brooder?  A brooder is an…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
3. Brooder Heat Requirements Heat Source Options There are several options for heat sources in your brooder. We’ll look at how each one works so that you can decide…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
4. Brooder Bedding & Cleaning Brooder Bedding Options There are many bedding options for your brooder. Let’s talk about the most popular choices and the pros and cons of each.…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
5. Feeding and Watering Chicks Watering Chicks Chicks should always have access to clean drinking water from the moment they arrive in your care. We’ll look at waterer options for…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
6. Chick Growth and Development Growing Up and Feathering Out You’ll be able to notice changes in your chicks nearly on a daily basis if you look closely! Here is…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
7. Chick Behavior Common Chick Behavior Chicks exhibit instinctual behaviors from a very young age that will follow them into adulthood. Knowing what behaviors to expect from your…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
8. Chick Health Health Indicators There are several health indicators that will help guide you in evaluating your chicks on a day to day basis. Observing your chicks…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor
9. Graduating from the Brooder to the Coop They grow up so fast! Before you know it, those tiny sweet balls of fluff are ready to move out of the brooder. Field trips…
Lacy Armentor Lacy Armentor