9. Graduating from the Brooder to the Coop

They grow up so fast! Before you know it, those tiny sweet balls of fluff are ready to move out of the brooder. Field trips can help prepare them for the big move until it’s time to graduate from the brooder to the coop!
Key Points Summary
- Chicks can start taking field trips outside around three weeks old as weather permits. If their outdoor playpen isn’t secure, only let them outside under supervision.
- If daytime outdoor temps are close to your brooder temps, chicks can stay outside during the day as long as weather is good. Keep an eye on their body language so you will know if they are too cold.
- If chicks have areas that have not yet feathered, they should not be allowed to sleep outside.
- Once fully feathered, chicks are ready to move to their outdoor coop full time!
- Check on the young birds in their new coop often for the first couple of days. Note their behavior, body language, and health indicators to make sure everyone is feeling good and acclimating well.
- Allow chickens plenty of time to see their coop as “home” before letting them out to free range.
- Your chickens may need help returning to the coop at sunset after their first few free-ranging sessions.
Integrating Chicks into an Existing Flock
Integrating new birds into an existing flock can be intimidating. Seeing chickens establish their pecking order isn’t always pleasant, but it’s completely normal.
In this section, we will discuss how to make the integration process as easy on you and your chickens as possible.
Key Points Summary
- The closer in size your new birds are to your established flock, the better for integration.
- A slow introduction is best. Start by putting your young chickens where your flock can see them, but can’t make physical contact.
- Once the novelty of the new chickens wears off, you can let the chickens intermingle. Keep a close eye on them!
- If a chicken is particularly aggressive to the new chickens, separate her from the flock for a few days for an attitude adjustment.
- If you have a mixed age flock, feed chick starter/grower to the entire flock until the young birds reach 18 weeks of age.
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