3. Brooder Heat Requirements

Heat Source Options
There are several options for heat sources in your brooder. We’ll look at how each one works so that you can decide which will work best for your brooder set-up.
Key Points Summary
- Heat lamps and panel heaters are the most popular heat source options.
- Heat lamps are an easy-to-find option. They should be used with caution, as they can start a fire if used incorrectly or if they break.
- Panel heaters are a safe and efficient option that creates an environment similar to a mother hen’s body heat.
- If your heat source doesn’t produce light or is red-tinted, and your brooder is in a dark area, you will need to provide supplemental daytime lighting for your chicks.
Is Your Brooder Too Hot or Too Cold?
Too Hot
Chicks will pant, peck at each other, chirp loudly, and stay as far away from their heat source as possible.
Just Right
Chicks will chirp contentedly, wander around the brooder, eat and drink normally, and will return to their heat source as needed to warm up.
Too Cold
Chicks will huddle together directly under their heat source, chirp loudly, and won’t wander around the brooder much.
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