4. Brooder Bedding & Cleaning

Brooder Bedding Options
There are many bedding options for your brooder. Let’s talk about the most popular choices and the pros and cons of each.
Key Points Summary
- The brooder floor should never be slick, as this can lead to issues such as a splayed leg.
- Sheets of newspaper are fine to use as a layer underneath your bedding, but should never be used as the surface your chicks will walk on, as it’s too slick.
- For the first couple of days, you can use paper towels or puppy pads as your brooder floor before switching to loose bedding.
Chick Brooder Bedding Options
Pine Shavings
- Easy to find
- Inexpensive
- Absorbent
- Dusty
- Easily knocked into feed and water
Pine Pellets
- Very absorbent
- Long-lasting
- Less mess in feed and water
- Less dust than shavings
- More expensive than shavings
- Long-lasting
- Easy to clean
- Absorbs and retains heat
- Can retain too much heat
- Heat lamps may heat sand up too much
- Play sand particles are too fine
Chopped Straw
- Low Cost
- Not very absorbent
- Must be changed often
Shredded Paper
- Low or no cost
- Not very absorbent
- Must be changed often
Cleaning the Brooder
It’s important to keep your brooder clean and dry for your chicks. In this video, I’ll cover how and when to clean your brooder.
Key Points Summary
- Always remove damp bedding from your brooder as soon as possible.
- Damp bedding will mold and may cause brooder pneumonia. Coccidia also thrive in a warm, damp environment.
- Stir up the bedding to keep it dry and fluffy, which aids in absorption.
- Too many droppings in the brooder can lead to coccidiosis.
- Remove and replace your bedding periodically, as needed. Always remove and replace the bedding if you smell ammonia.
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