Star Gazing 1988 Almanac

By Fred Schaaf
Published on January 1, 1988
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There will be four eclipses in 1988. It is the two lunar eclipses which some of America will see.
There will be four eclipses in 1988. It is the two lunar eclipses which some of America will see.
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There will be four eclipses in 1988. It is the two lunar eclipses which some of America will see.
There will be four eclipses in 1988. It is the two lunar eclipses which some of America will see.
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Lunar Lore. The dates are given in universal time, which is five hours ahead of eastern time, four hours ahead of eastern daylight time. (Thus March 15 in universal time begins at 7:00 p.m. EST of March 14, and June 10 in universal time begins at 8:00 p.m. EDT of June 9). Sunlight, reaching the Moon from the upper left in this illustration, illuminates our satellite and creates its phases: (1) new Moon, (2) crescent, (3) first quarter, (4) gibbous and (5) full. The Moon then wanes through the sequence in reverse.
Lunar Lore. The dates are given in universal time, which is five hours ahead of eastern time, four hours ahead of eastern daylight time. (Thus March 15 in universal time begins at 7:00 p.m. EST of March 14, and June 10 in universal time begins at 8:00 p.m. EDT of June 9). Sunlight, reaching the Moon from the upper left in this illustration, illuminates our satellite and creates its phases: (1) new Moon, (2) crescent, (3) first quarter, (4) gibbous and (5) full. The Moon then wanes through the sequence in reverse.
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A calendar of Moon phases.
A calendar of Moon phases.
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Pluto (3,675.27 million miles).
Pluto (3,675.27 million miles).
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Uranus (1,783.98 million miles).
Uranus (1,783.98 million miles).
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Neptune (2,795 million miles).
Neptune (2,795 million miles).
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Through Halley's comet won't appear this year, the night sky will have its share of spectaculars.
Through Halley's comet won't appear this year, the night sky will have its share of spectaculars.
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Jupiter (483.88 million miles).
Jupiter (483.88 million miles).
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Saturn (887.14 million miles).
Saturn (887.14 million miles).
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Mars (141.71 million miles).
Mars (141.71 million miles).
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Earth (93 million miles).
Earth (93 million miles).
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Mercury (36 million miles).
Mercury (36 million miles).
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Venus (67.27 million miles).
Venus (67.27 million miles).

Previewing a real star-studded show. This 1988 Almanac for star gazing fans includes information on stars, planetary events and an overview of the planetary year.

Star Gazing 1988 Almanac

The year 1988 should be a very rich one for star gazing folks who watch the heavens. The two most spectacular meteor showers will not be obscured by moonlight at their peak hours, some of the United States will experience a partial eclipse of the Moon, sunspots and northern lights should certainly be on the increase, and Comet Borrelly will probably be visible to advanced observers with binoculars.

And then there will be the planets.

Earth’s brothers and sisters should be the greatest attractions of all in 1988. Jupiter and Saturn will put on better shows than for many years to come, and Venus will offer perhaps its best displays as Evening Star since 1980. But more interesting than any of these sights — even more interesting than the great conjunction (meeting) of Venus and Jupiter in the March evening sky — will be two events. One is the first conjunction (there will be three of these) of Saturn and Uranus since World War II. The other is the closest, brightest, most awesome approach of mighty red Mars to take place in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

Here are the prospects for this year in the heavens, saving the best (the planets) for last.

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