Live a One Earth Lifestyle with These Resources

Reader Contribution by Jan Spencer
Published on February 12, 2019
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For those talking about climate change, the environment, resilience and sustainability, a term known as environmental footprint, often enters the discussion. For use here, environmental footprint refers to the impact or damage, a person’s lifestyle has on the natural world – water, soil, air.  These impacts are the consequences of driving a car, food choices, size of home, vacation and whatever else a person does that impacts the natural world.

Important to add, that footprint should include impact and damage on the well being of society. One’s lifestyle not only affects the natural world, it also affects public health, politics and social cohesion.

The more energy and resources one uses, the bigger the environmental footprint.  Big homes with few residents and cars cause more damage to the planet than a modest home and a bike. Beef has a bigger footprint than beets.  

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