Waste Not, Want Not with This Watermelon Rind Pickles Recipe

Reader Contribution by Wendy Akin
Published on September 4, 2015
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Will you have a beautiful watermelon for the Labor Day weekend? The white part of the rind makes a delicious pickle! Be sure to take a little time to make some. Not just for a garnish on sandwiches, watermelon pickle is also a key ingredient in my Red Pepper Relish that I’ll share in a future post. The recipe below has won several ribbons in State Fairs over the years.

After the watermelon feast, you’re busy, so go ahead and just save the rinds in a plastic bag in the refrigerator until tomorrow when you have a little time. They will keep just fine, and you’ll be carefully trimming every bit of pink off the white rind and then salting it, so don’t worry about germs, either.

The melon in the picture is an heirloom “Moon and Stars” that we just picked. See the yellow moon and stars on the rind? It’s a small variety, so I’ll count it as a half full-size melon.

Watermelon Rind Pickles Recipe

Rind Ingredients:

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