Fall Recipes for Preserving and Pickling

By Diana Henry
Updated on August 30, 2022
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by Adobestock/ld1976

Lifelong loves take hold early on. My mum did lots of baking when we were growing up, and I have a clear memory of sitting on the countertop in our small galley kitchen as she sliced warm wheat bread and spread a piece with raspberry jam for me. The jam was made by Aunt Sissy, who wasn’t an aunt at all, but an elderly family friend and a tremendous preserver. That jam was better than any fruit I ever tasted fresh. Aunt Sissy’s jams were soft-set and ran off the bread. They were so loved, we only ate them on homemade bread or in a Victoria sandwich. At home, we seemed to be surrounded by great jam and chutney makers, many of them redoubtable members of the WI, and we loved getting jars from them.

So I always appreciated preserved foods, and I have been preserving this or that since I was in my mid-teens. Salt Sugar Smoke is the result of a rigorous exploration and a long journey. For three years, I preserved food every day, often all day long and well into the evening. My laundry room filled up with jars. The refrigerator became home to big slabs of bacon and chunks of beef in brine. I also discovered that I could go my own way. It may be traditional here to use equal quantities of sugar and fruit to make firm-set, sweet jams, but they make soft-set jams in France and much lower sugar jams in Scandinavia, so I made the kind of jams I preferred: soft-set and fairly low in sugar.

I am a home cook. I don’t have masses of special equipment and I don’t do things on a grand scale. Quite a lot of the literature that existed on preserving was off-putting. I didn’t want to turn my garden shed into a smokery. I could never manage — and would never need — to cure a whole pig. Preserving looked as if it was either for elderly ladies in floral pinnies or country-based downsizers with a vehicle big enough to transport several dead animals. I didn’t come into either category. I have done everything in this book in quite a gentle way and didn’t spend much on new equipment. I bought an additional preserving pan, some more wooden spoons, a wide funnel for pouring jams through, a lot of measuring jugs, a big plastic box to use for brining, and a little stove-top smoker.

Then I started my journey. I had, as the saying goes, a ball. I discovered that preserving made you feel as if you were more than just a cook. There were days when it reminded me of being on my grandparents’ farm. It felt as if I was presiding over something natural that had its own momentum, but which I had a hand in. And the food was bloody delicious. People have always preserved because they needed to, it was about survival. But the reason we still bother to do it is because the end products taste so good.

My daily cooking changed a bit. There were so many tracklements on the go that I did a lot of plain meals using these as embellishments: rice and vegetable dishes with chutneys, roasts with relishes, simple cakes with sumptuous fillings of unusual jams. I have always thought that home cooking — especially the quick kind we do a lot these days — is about accessorizing. We have to think of something good to do with a pork chop or a piece of fish.

I want everybody who reads this book to feel they can preserve and do some basic curing. Be careful about hygiene, that’s a preserving essential. Be aware that you are making foods that can spoil, so use your senses to tell you when something is off.

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