Types of Sprouts and How to Cook With Them

Learn how to grow sprouts and discover sprouts recipes for salads, quesadillas, and more.

By Anne Vassal
Updated on December 12, 2023
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by AdobeStock/chachamp

Types of Sprouts

Beans (legumes)

Mung, adzuki, lentil, soybeans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), and Alaskan peas are the most popular types of sprouts. It’s sometimes a bit difficult to sprout the larger beans such as pinto and kidney beans because the larger the beans, the greater the chance of the beans fermenting. They’ll need to be rinsed often and stored in a place not exceeding 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Some sprouted legumes (soybeans, chickpeas, Alaskan peas) need to be blanched in boiling water for a few minutes before eating in order to destroy a protein-inhibiting enzyme called trypsin. Bean sprouts can be cooked in your food, but add them towards the end of the cooking.


Alfalfa, radish, red clover, and onion seed sprouts are a few favorites. These types of sprouts are better eaten raw. Add spicy radish or onion sprouts to your favorite coleslaw or potato salad recipe.


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