How Hot Is Too Hot for Chickens?

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By Podcast Team and Dalia Monterroso
Published on February 2, 2023
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How cold is too cold, and how hot is too hot for chickens? Dalia Monterroso of Chickenlandia talks extreme weather poultry and keeping breeds like easter egger chickens and more!

In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Dalia Monterroso of Chickenlandia shares a collection of chicken breeds that can adapt well to extreme environments, in addition to steps you as the chicken-keeper can take to keep your feathered friends safe and healthy.

Dalia Monterroso, President, Chickenlandia. Photographed at her home near Bellingham, WA. 9/21/17.

Dalia Monterroso, also known as The President of Chickenlandia, is a Backyard Chicken Educator in the Pacific Northwest. When she’s not teaching classes or doing seminars, you can find her on the popular YouTube channel Welcome to Chickenlandia as well as across social media. In 2017, Dalia gave a TEDX Talk at Western Washington University, where she urged her audience to accept one another through humankind’s most amazing common denominator: the chicken. Dalia believes that being among her flock has brought a peace and significance into her life and she wishes to share that with everyone she meets.

Additional Resources:

Learn more about Chickenlandia

Check out “Bawk Tawk,” Welcome to Chickenlandia’s podcast, available on all major listening platforms.

Listen to our interview with Dalia about her new book Let’s All Keep Chickens!

Hear more from Dalia in our previous episodes: Finding Chicks, What is Brooding, and Caring for Chicks.

 Our Podcast Team:

Carla Tilghman, Jessica Mitchell, John Moore, and Kenny Coogan

Music: “Travel Light” by Jason Shaw

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The Mother Earth News and Friends podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications.

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