Your Guide to a Winter Garden in the South and Southwest

Even in the South and Southwest, you can create a thriving winter garden this season.

Reader Contribution by Bryan Traficante and Gardeninminutes
Published on November 2, 2020
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by Adobe Stock/Cherries

Why grow a winter garden in the South? Even in warmer climates, you can still maintain thriving winter garden crops in the South and Southwest.

We’re officially in the thick of fall season, with the smell of cinnamon, decaying leaves, and wood smoke perfuming the air. Next thing you know, winter will come sweeping in, blanketing the ground with cold, white snow.

In the South, though, these changes in temperature and scenery aren’t as extreme. Though the temperatures will drop, southern states usually get only a light dusting of snow. This kind of weather makes winter gardening perfect in the region.

The Winter Gardening Tools You’ll Need

Because the winter weather is trickier than spring, you’ll need some helpful tools and gardening methods for your winter garden. Gardening with these will help your crops thrive, despite chilly temperatures.

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