How to Build a Raised Garden Bed

A DIY project for a permanent garden box to provide a raised bed for your plants and decorate your backyard.

By Sara Bendrick
Published on October 18, 2017
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by Adobestock/Peredniankina
A well-built raised garden bed provides an organized and accessible space for your vegetable garden.

For those who want to improve their backyards, author Sara Bendrick provides a variety of DIY projects in Big Impact Landscaping so homeowners can get the most out of their property, expand their living space, and enjoy more time outdoors. Here, Bendrick gives step-by-step instructions for building a permanent U-shaped vegetable garden box — as well as an attached bench to help you enjoy your backyard plants.

U-Shaped Vegetable Garden

Level: Beginner to intermediate

Cost: $$

Time commitment: 1 day

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