How To Improve Soil Quality Naturally

Understand how to improve soil quality naturally with chemistry and biology. Start rebuilding soil organically to work in harmony with nature to contribute to the health of our soil, plants, food and planet.

Reader Contribution by Mary Lou Shaw
Updated on March 25, 2023
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by AdobeStock/krisana

Understand how to improve soil quality naturally with chemistry and biology. Start rebuilding soil organically to work in harmony with nature to contribute to the health of our soil, plants, food and planet.

“Organic farming” is often defined in negative terms such as no insecticides, no herbicides, no fungicides. Thinking of “organic” in this way doesn’t contribute to growing nutritious food, and it may result in the uneconomical practice of buying many amendments for soil and plants. In this article, I’ll discuss a more positive definition of “organic” that can actually result in less work, greater profits and more flavorful and nutritious food.

Organic Means Carbon

A positive definition of organic farming features carbon as its star player. When we come to see that the relationship between plants and the micro-organisms in the soil is based on the element of carbon, we can grow crops in ways that enhance this relationship. Let’s take a glance at the chemistry of carbon to better understand what we’re working with.

The entire branch of chemistry that is based on carbon is called “organic chemistry.” Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised that organic farming is also based on carbon. Carbon has three characteristics that make it so special and thus essential to the structure of all living things:

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