How to Grow Lilies: Varieties, Propagation Techniques and More

An illustrated guide to growing lilies.

Reader Contribution by Michael Feldmann
Updated on June 23, 2022
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Adobe Stock/Mazur Travel

All you need to know about how to grow lilies, from choosing where to plant lilies, to propagation, to common lily pests and problems you might encounter.

Everyone loves lilies. With large, showy blooms, lilies add striking elegance to every yard and garden. Lilies tend to bloom from early summer to fall, depending on the variety. But by carefully mixing early, mid-season, and late varieties into your garden, you can enjoy their blooms from spring through first frost. Growing lilies is actually not as difficult as you may think and is certainly worth the effort for those who take pride in showy blooms.

Note that these flowers, the “true” lilies, are from the genus Lilium, as opposed to daylilies, which are from the genus Hemerocallis.

Lily Varieties for Gardeners

There are lots of varieties of lilies with flowers in a variety of beautiful colors including white, yellow, orange, pink and red. As well as lots of colorful streaks, dots, and stripes that add even more to the beautiful blooms. There are a number of popular lily species and their endless hybrids are available to gardeners.

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