Michael Feldmann, Small-Scale Poultry Farmer in Oklahoma | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

By Michael Feldmann
Updated on November 16, 2020

Michael Feldmann, Small-Scale Poultry Farmer in Oklahoma

Occupation: Journalist, writer, scientist, farmer, and gardener

Residence: Boise City, Cimarron County, Oklahoma

Background:Michael is a farmer and writer by both hobby and profession. Studying agriculture, he considers it great and enjoyable to show in educational writing the pleasure of sustainably growing produce. He usually writes very early in the morning before going out on the farm to work. Michael Feldmann have also worked as a journalist in many magazines and newspapers around the country, and lived for five years in New York. He has been published in Acres USA, Rural Heritage, Farming magazine, Farmers Weekly, Permaculture magazine, Mother Earth News, and have a column in Poultry world and others.

Read all of Michael’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.

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