Infuse Oils for Herbal Salve Recipes

Craft powerful plant-infused salves to treat a variety of topical conditions, from bug bites to arthritis.

By Bevin Cohen
Updated on May 9, 2022
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by Adobestock/p-fotography

Perhaps the most versatile item in the artisan herbalist’s arsenal is herb-infused oil. The diversity of potential applications, as well as the multitude of products into which infused oil can be crafted, truly makes this form of extraction a powerful ally in any apothecary. The medicine-maker may choose to use their oils to create salves, balms, and lotions or in a pure oil application for topical or culinary use. Whichever method they decide upon, they will find great gratification in the ease with which these products can be made and how beneficial and powerful the resulting medicines are.

Gathering the Ingredients

Infusing herbal oils is a simple yet remarkably satisfying process. As with the preparation of any other extraction, the first step is choosing the proper ingredients and gathering the needed equipment. Aside from the herbs and oils, a vessel is the only other mandatory tool, and for this job, a glass jar is highly recommended, particularly one with a screw-on lid. Glass is far superior to plastic or metal, especially for long-term storage of your medicinal oils. Clear glass is suitable for this task, as the oil will be stored in a cool, dark location throughout the extraction process.

Choosing the Right Oil

When crafting herbal oils, the focus of most recipes is typically on the herbs to be used, their medicinal benefits, and the desired purpose of the final products. While these are all obvious and important considerations, many herbalists fall short by not taking more time to understand and properly select the other main ingredient: the oil. Just as the herbalist selects particular herbs based on their active chemical constituents, the oils used (also derived from plants) have their own characteristics and chemical constituents. This suggests that different oils have different uses, benefits, and applications. Taking the time to choose the proper oil – one that complements and enhances the herbs being used in the formula – will increase the product’s potency as well as the herbalist’s success.

Bottles of essential oil or infusion of medicinal herbs and berr

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