Home Beauty Recipes for Deliciously Beautiful You

By Lin Grensing
Published on September 1, 1984
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Photo by Fotolia/Africa Studio
Our beauty recipes use all natural, safe ingredients — such as dry oatmeal and honey.

“I’ve decided to devote my life to cultivating my natural beauty!” — Lucy, in Clark Gesner’s You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown

Now, I realize that some folks scoff at beauty aids and cosmetics. That’s just because they don’t know how rejuvenating playing with cosmetics can be. Taking a few minutes a day — or a couple of hours one afternoon a week — to attend to one’s “natural beauty” can be very relaxing. Besides, it’s fun! And this luxury doesn’t have to be expensive or hazardous to your health. Not if you make your own beauty aids out of all-natural ingredients found in your kitchen or garden. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Our mini-manual, Hazardous Household Chemicalspointed out some of the dangers of using commercial cosmetics.]

Of course, there are about as many different concoctions to be made from such raw materials as there are ingredients to make them from. But for starters, let me guide you through a day’s worth of some of my favorite easy-to-create home beauty recipes so you can make the most of beautiful you.

Morning Ablutions

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