As spring swings in, chances are your herb beds are dug, planted, watered, and weeded, and you’re ready for a break. Or perhaps those chores still lie ahead, and you need some inspiration. Either way, take some time during the week of May 2-8 to celebrate National Herb Week.
If you haven’t yet made plans, rest your mind: we here at The Herb Companion (along with our friends in the International Herb Growers and Marketers Association) have given the matter some thought. This is a week for herb fanciers to spread their knowledge and enthusiasm, so try one or two of the following ideas.
• Crab Puffs with Chives
• New Potatoes with Parsley-Dill Filling
• Tomatoes with Puree of Spring Peas and Marjoram
• Lemon Curd Squares with Sweet Cicely or Lemon Balm