National Herb Week Recipes

By The Herb Companion Staff
Published on April 1, 1994

As spring swings in, chances are your herb beds are dug, planted, watered, and weeded, and you’re ready for a break. Or perhaps those chores still lie ahead, and you need some inspiration. Either way, take some time during the week of May 2-8 to celebrate National Herb Week.

If you haven’t yet made plans, rest your mind: we here at The Herb Companion (along with our friends in the International Herb Growers and Marketers Association) have given the matter some thought. This is a week for herb fanciers to spread their knowledge and enthusiasm, so try one or two of the following ideas.

• Crab Puffs with Chives
• New Potatoes with Parsley-Dill Filling
• Tomatoes with Puree of Spring Peas and Marjoram
• Lemon Curd Squares with Sweet Cicely or Lemon Balm

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