Old-Fashioned Pie Safe Plans

From MOTHER's Woodshop, use these pie safe plans to build a cabinet to store and protect all of your home-cooked berry pies.

By John Vivian
Updated on July 14, 2022
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by AdobeStock/Danelle

From MOTHER’s Woodshop, use these pie safe plans to build a cabinet to store and protect all of your home-cooked berry pies.

Fresh-baked berry pies were a seasonal rarity on a settler’s property, and they needed protection from small children and other varmints. The cook’s answer was a pie safe: a cabinet with tight joints and close-fitting doors to exclude pests and retain enough humidity to keep pies moist, but also featuring tiny ant- and gnat-excluding perforations in the door so air could circulate to prevent mold.

MOTHERS Pie Safe is 27″ high and sized to hold four 9″ pies on 22″-square shelves. It is built of tongue-and-groove (T&G) panels that are deck-screwed and epoxy-glued to 1″-square corner posts. Vent screens in the door are made from prick-punched, flattened tin cans.

Building MOTHER’s Pie Safe Side Panels (2 Required)

For each, cut four lengths of 1″x 6″ T&G pine to 27″. Lay out boards, narrow ends up, best side down, aligned so bottoms of boards lie evenly along a horizontal line, square-to sides of panels.

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