Lori Osterloh-Hagaman, ‘Herbchick’ Natural Health Consultant
Name: Lori Osterloh-Hagaman
Occupation: Natural Health Consultant, writer
Place of Residence: Minster, Ohio
Background: After a car accident in high school, Lori began a huge laundry list of ailments. These frequent periods of illness caused a lot of absences from school and work. After her family doctor sent her out of his office, telling Lori’s mother to look for alternatives, Lori came into contact with herbs and supplements on a personal level. At the age of 17m she dove headlong into natural health and herbs and hasn’t looked back since.
Lori has an Associates of Science degree from Edison State Community College, and a Bachelor of Science from the Ohio State University’s College of Arts and Sciences in biology and psychology. She’s devoted much time to “alternative” training in the use of herbs, vitamin and mineral supplements, alternative analysis techniques, and more.
Many of her friends have taken to calling Lori the “herbchick.” So, she has come to embrace the title and named her consultant-based business after the nickname.
Current Projects: Lori operates The Herbchick LLC. Her business revolves around herbs, natural health, low impact body care and education. Lori also co-runs Troupe Zephyr — a performance bellydance troupe — where she not only dances, but choreographs and teaches, too.
Other Fun Facts: Lori has four sons. She grew up on what is now a certified organic dairy farm, currently run by her oldest brother. She has volunteered as a Tiger Cub leader and a 4-H advisor. Lori received an FFA State Degree when she was in high school.
More Places to Find Lori on the Web: