Kristen Kilfoyle, New Hampshire Pastured Poultry Producer
Name: Kristen Kilfoyle
Occupation: Farmer; Homesteader; Writer and Blogger
Place of Residence: Newport, New Hampshire
Background and Personal History: Kristen is new to farming and interned in 2014 with Joel Salatin at Polyface Farm (read about her experiences at Polyface here). She and her fiancé, Dan, currently raise chickens, pigs and ducks on their 45 acres in New Hampshire. Kristen also teaches seminars on pastured poultry production.
Current Projects: For the foreseeable future, Kristen’s life, as it does for most farmers, seems like a giant project. (Good thing she likes projects.) Between her and Dan’s 1890s farmhouse that acts its age, a large woodlot that needs maintenance, a sugar shack that is asking nicely to be rebuilt and setting up their new farm business, there always seems to be something going on.
Other Fun Facts: Kristen enjoys gardening, reading, cooking, sewing, crafts and projects around the house. She has two dogs, Calvin and Daisy, that like to help move the chicken coops, and two Polyface barn cats, Charles and Theo, who are excellent mousers.
Follow Kristen on Twitter @SugarRiverFarm
Instagram @ChickensAreCute
Find Kristen on her Facebook page