Edible Mushroom Types

Discover the secrets of mushroom foraging by learning more about the different fall mushroom varieties, safety and mushroom preservation.

By Les Davenport
Updated on June 8, 2023
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by Adobestock/luciepeclova

Discover the secrets of mushroom foraging by learning more about the edible mushroom types, varieties, safety, and mushroom preservation.

Autumn is a time of change in the woodlands. The vivid green hues of summer fade into the auburn shades of fall as plant life in the great outdoors prepares for a long winter’s sleep.

During this period of transition, many who enjoy harvesting Mother Nature’s abundant vintages miss one of nature’s finest bounties — the fall mushrooms. Learn to distinguish a few choice edible fungus, and hours of  mushroom foraging enjoyment can be added to your autumnal calendar.

Understanding the dos and don’ts of fall mushroom foraging is key to enjoying the rewards of harvesting the mushrooms. As in all outdoor ventures, a novice should start slowly and gain confidence before taking on the role of a veteran.

The first and foremost rule when mushroom foraging is to get to know just a few species — and get to know them well. To achieve this, purchase a field guide to North American mushrooms. Most bookstores stock one or can quickly order it. Though local libraries typically stock several, buying your own copy is a wise investment. Pocket-size editions with color photos are easily carried and help assure positive identification. Never be without it in the fall woods.

A quality guide should contain the following species subheadings: description, edibility, season, habitat, range and look-alikes. Each category lists attributes that help even the veteran mushroom hunter to learn more about North American fungi.

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