Got Cats? Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse in the Garden!

Reader Contribution by Blythe Pelham
Published on November 16, 2020
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There are few things more special to me than sitting in my garden at 6:30 of a morning slowly working my way through the weeds in a zen-like peace, especially on a Sunday morning while all the sane folks are still asleep. However, right now I’m here to talk to you about kitty litter—or more specifically the containers this life-with-cats necessity comes in. I heartily agree that recycling is a great way to go once you’ve used the contents. However, the genetic code of my Dutch grandfather coursing through my body urges me toward finding ways to reuse and repurpose first.

Repurposing over and over is practically like getting tools for my garden for free. I use the buckets for myriad purposes, from hauling and toting to collecting and mixing. I even have several buckets full of stones waiting patiently for a rock garden to magically appear. Okay, they’ve been waiting for a couple of years now so that’s technically more like storage but you get the idea.

The buckets can be used for tidying and carrying things from place to place and they can be used to contain things you fetch from locations at a distance. I’ve picked up composted alpaca poo, cow manure, and leaves from a local compost heap. Each of these things had their own delightful earthy odor and composition but each also helped me amend my garden to a happier, healthier state of being. I’ve also transported saplings and other wonderful gifts from friends thinning their plants.

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