Kirsten Shockey

Kirsten Shockey

Ferment Works

Kirsten and Christopher Shockey are the co-authors of Miso, Tempeh, Natto, & Other Tasty Ferments, Fiery Ferments, and the best-selling Fermented Vegetables. The Shockeys got their start in fermenting foods 20 years ago on their 40-acre hillside smallholding, which grew into their organic food company. When they realized their passion was for the process, they chose to focus on teaching fermentation arts to others. They teach worldwide and host workshops on their homestead in southern Oregon. They live on a 40-acre hillside homestead in the Applegate Valley of southern Oregon, and Kirsten blogs at Ferment Works.

5 Courses
6 Videos



Summer Harvest Series
Preserved Garlic: Safe & Delicious Ways to Store Garlic
Discover all the ways you can eat your own homegrown garlic year-round in delicious ways. Did you know garlic can be fermented, canned, dried, frozen, or marinated? In this workshop…
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works
Intro to Cider Making
Intro to Cider Making
Discover the joys of fresh and delicious homemade cider! Learn how to take your favorite apples from tree to jug from cider experts Kirsten and Christopher Shockey.
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works
Fermenting Vegetables
Fermenting Vegetables for Preservation, Gut Health, and Out of This World Flavor
Welcome! Fermenting Vegetables Webinar with Kirsten Shockey was recorded live on Wednesday, May 5. Approx. 1 hr. 31 min. Enjoy this exclusive offer for Kirsten's book Fermented Vegetables for 15%…
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works
Fermenting Vegetables
The Art of Salt-Pressing
Elevate your pantry staples with the video companion to this magazine article on fermenting vegetables with salt. Dive deep into the traditional technique of salt-pressing, where you'll learn the essential…
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works
Fermented Beverages Course
Fruit Juice: From Sugar to Hard Cider
If you are new to brewing or fermenting beverages this class will teach you everything you need to know about understanding sugar in juice and how that relates to the…
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works
Food Preservation Course
Fermenting Cilantro and Other Garden Herbs
Say goodbye to drying herbs and hello to fermenting them. Discover the magic of fermentation for nutrition, flavor, and preservation through your garden’s herbs. Fermentation is easy and safe. In…
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works