Using venison in place of beef in my family’s dishes works for us for a few reasons: The meat comes from deer my husband has hunted in the wild. The deer feast in nature and are thus free of pesticide-laced feed. Additionally, because the meat is the product of a sport my husband enjoys, it is a cost-effective meat source. From hunting, my husband garners meat from about three deer a year. This provides more than enough meat for our family of two.
Roast has long been a favorite dish of my husband’s. Allowed to cook all day in the slow cooker, it produces an aroma that simply smells like home. If you have access to a nice venison roast, try this recipe. Delicious and mouth-watering, it is indistinguishable from beef roast.
• 1 venison roast
• 1/4 cup peperoncini rings (Banana Peppers)
• 2 small onions, sectioned into chunks
• 1/4 cup water
• 2 tsp garlic
• 2 tsp salt
• 2 tsp pepper
• Optional: carrots and/or cubed potatoes
1. Place water and onions in the base of the slow cooker.
2. Set roast on top of the onion bed.
3. Slather one side of the roast with one cup of the tomatoes. Add half of the peperoncini. Sprinkle with one teaspoon each of pepper, salt, and garlic. Cook on high.
4. After two hours, flip the roast, and slather with the remaining tomatoes, peperoncini, and seasonings.
5. Continue to cook on high for two-three hours or until the meat pulls apart with a fork. Give the meat a final sprinkle of salt and pepper before serving.
6. Enjoy!
Monica Sharrock is a hunter’s wife living in rural Oklahoma. She enjoys cooking with venison and preserved garden veggies.
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