Making the Most of Emergency Food Boxes or Food Banks

Reader Contribution by Mary Moss-Sprague
Published on April 28, 2020
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Shelves At A Food Pantry; Photo by Maryhere on Morguefile

Many people who’ve never sought food donations are doing so now in these difficult economic and problematic food-supply-chain times. In order to put food on the table, there may be little choice but to seek assistance from local food pantries.

It can be emotionally upsetting to accept a “dole.” And, knowing how to make the most of emergency groceries can be an even bigger challenge. Many people simply aren’t used to planning meals for several days at a time. Some aren’t used to cooking “from scratch.” Thus, that odd collection of foodstuffs you receive in an emergency food box, or pick from the shelf at a food bank, can be confusing and bewildering.

This post will give you suggestions for creating delicious, nutritious meals without adding more stress to your life. Just think positive: you’ve got food, much better than the alternative. You’ll make it.

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