How to Make a DIY Water Filtration System Using Sand or Gravel

For our purposes of DIYing a water filter system, you'll want to use more natural materials like sand and gravel or small rocks.

Reader Contribution by Kayla Matthews
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by Pexels/Jens Johnsson

Water is something most people take for granted because it’s so easy to turn on the faucet and fill a glass with the cool, pure liquid. But, there are times when access to clean drinking water is not so straightforward.

In those cases, it’s handy to know how to make a water filtration system.

When Might You Need or Want a DIY Water Filtration System?

If you’re trying to survive in dire circumstances and the only nearby source of water is a stream or lake, a DIY water filtration system could help you stay hydrated without also consuming dirt.

Many people in developing countries learn to build water filtration systems so they can avoid illnesses, although they use a more detailed method than the one covered below. It removes contaminants as well as filtering out debris. The one you’ll learn about below only does the latter.

  • Updated on Jan 7, 2022
  • Originally Published on Mar 12, 2019
Tagged with: Kayla Matthews, preparedness, Reader Contributions, water, water filtration
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