Lemon Meringue Pie is the Perfect Dessert for Spring

Reader Contribution by Andrea Chesman
Published on March 26, 2018
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Lemon meringue pie is the quintessential spring dessert.  The sweet tart lemon filling tastes like sunshine, and there’s no better use for the eggs that are now suddenly in abundance now that the chickens are happily producing in these longer days of light.

Admittedly, spring weather is in short supply right now.  As the East Coast shovels out from under it’s fourth nor’easter – or it’s fourth nor’Easter as the wits are wagging – this month, I look citrus flavors seem the most likely to cheer me up and remind me of sunshine. 

My family shares the feeling, and my son’s March birthday is most commonly honored with a lemon meringue pie.  Of course, these days I make my crusts with lard.  Having spent the past two years researching and developing recipes that make use of animal fats (my book The Fat Kitchen will be out in November), I am now enamored of the flaky, crisp crusts that lard yields and well aware that we have been sold a bill of goods about animal fats.  Lard, for example, contains 40 percent saturated for (butter contains 50 percent) and about 45 percent monounsaturated fat (the so-called healthy type of fat). 

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