How to Use Fresh Pumpkin — Seeds and All!

How to pick and preserve a pumpkin, including tips on choosing a pumpkin, saving pumpkin seeds and MOTHER's all-time favorite pumpkin pie recipe.

By Jack Mcquarrie
Updated on September 5, 2023
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by AdobeStock/Pixel-Shot

Learn how to use fresh pumpkin and the best methods for storing pumpkins whole or processed. Includes recipes for roasted pumpkin seeds and creamy pumpkin pie.

When most of us think of pumpkins, we tend to limit our conjuring to visions of spicy pies and eerily glimmering jack-o’-lanterns. Actually, though, the bright round gourds have served a number of additional purposes — gastronomic and otherwise — since … well, since before recorded history.

In fact, archaeologists have found the remains of pumpkins among the relics left by ancient cliff dwellers. And when Europeans first arrived on these shores, they were quick to learn — from Native Americans — to plant the distinctive squash between hills of corn, discovering that their sprawling vines served as a living mulch and helped keep the maize fields free of weeds. The early settlers apparently developed “orange thumbs” in this regard, too. Samuel Eliot Morison (an expert on the period) writes in his book The Story of the “Old Colony” of New Plymouth that the pumpkins harvested prior to that first Thanksgiving were piled “in great golden heaps alongside the houses”.

Cooking Whole Pumpkins

Of course, back in those days folks were wise enough to make an effort to get the maximum use out of everything they had, and the lowly pumpkin was no exception. Some accounts actually report that early New England barbers — when they couldn’t find a cap or bowl for the purpose — simply hollowed out a small pumpkin shell and fit it over the hair of a customer as a make-do shearing guide (hence the expression “pumpkin head”).

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