Embracing Raw Milk: A Perfect Food

Reader Contribution by Nicole Wilkey
Published on June 12, 2018
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When you hear the term ‘raw milk’ does it scare you or does it make you think of one of natures perfect foods?  What is raw milk anyway? Raw milk is unpasteurized and unprocessed milk that comes from either cows or goats that are fed a grass-based diet. Pasteurizing is the heating of a food with the intention of killing microbes that could potentially lead to spoilage or make us sick.  So how is that a bad thing, you ask? While the heating process damages or destroys potential microbes, it also damages or destroys much of the nutrition such vitamins A, C, E, iron, zinc, B vitamins, calcium, enzymes, immunoglobulin, whey proteins and beneficial bacteria such as lactococcus lactis. Raw milk containing good bacteria such as l. lactis has been shown to kill or reduce the bad bacteria, and many people could benefit from a dose of a good probiotic.  Raw milk can absolutely be a safe and delicious addition to your diet.

Making Raw Milk Safe       

The animal husbandry practices used in raw milk production are incredibly important.  You would never want to drink milk from a commercial dairy operation. They are often dirty, overcrowded and possibly have sloppy milk collection procedures.  Milk from a mainstream, commercial operation requires pasteurization for safety where a raw milk production usually entails open pasture space, fewer animals, a cleaner environment and safe procedures for milk collection. After collection, raw milk must also be immediately filtered and chilled. If raw milk is the best choice for you, you would want to investigate the living conditions, diet and health of the animals before consuming. We have a small herd of dairy goats and in our family we choose to drink raw rather than pasteurize, because of this choice, I also have my animals tested for zoonotic diseases (disease that can be passed between animals and humans). A clean herd of happy, healthy animals will lead to delicious raw milk!

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