Edible Wildflowers from the Garden

Want to wow your dinner guests? Put some edible flowers on their plates. Learn how here.

Reader Contribution by Celeste Longacre
Updated on October 2, 2024
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by Adobestock/malykalexa777
appetizer. organic nutrition. sandwiches with flowers

Learn about the types of flowers you can eat and how to incorporate edible wildflowers into your cooking.

Nothing brightens up a salad or serves as a better garnish than edible flowers. Who can resist smiling when served a plate complete with the happy faces of some pansies or violas looking up at you?

Many restaurants are taking advantage of this phenomenon and including chives, calendulas, clovers, nasturtiums and marigolds in their meals. If you want to truly astonish your guest at your next dinner party, it might be time to include some edible flowers in the menu.


There are actually quite a number of flowers that are edible. Besides the squash blossoms and day lilies that most of us are familiar with, there are some easy to plant and even beneficial blooms that can be incorporated into a garden.

Flowers You Can Eat

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