Brewing Your Own Beer

By George Hummel
Published on December 1, 1994
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Pour near boiling water over the grains. 
Pour near boiling water over the grains. 
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Pour grains into a lauter-tun to begin an alt-malt homebrew. This particular unit is a ten gallon cylindrical cooler fitted with a nylon strainer.
Pour grains into a lauter-tun to begin an alt-malt homebrew. This particular unit is a ten gallon cylindrical cooler fitted with a nylon strainer.
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Nancy and George Hummel partake of a pumpkin beer. When you start brewing your own beer, master the basics first before experimenting.
Nancy and George Hummel partake of a pumpkin beer. When you start brewing your own beer, master the basics first before experimenting.
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Flow sparge water slowly through a copper pipe with dozens of small drip holes.
Flow sparge water slowly through a copper pipe with dozens of small drip holes.
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Add bittering hops to the mixture on the stove.
Add bittering hops to the mixture on the stove.
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An air cap fixed to a glass carboy allows gases to escape and keeps bacteria out.
An air cap fixed to a glass carboy allows gases to escape and keeps bacteria out.

Brewing your own beer,
rather than participating in the collective lunacy of shelling out $20 or $30 a case for a product of often questionable quality, has long been a favorite for
EARTH NEWS readers. Basic brewing procedures have been illustrated in both the January/February 1988 and the October/November 1992 issues, much to the pleasure of both the cost-conscious as well as those who just want to make the most delicious beer they’ve ever tasted. George Hummel, a member of an old Philadelphia brewing family as well as a nationally recognized beer judge and award-winning brew master at Home Sweet Homebrew in Philadelphia, PA, takes
our novice brewers one step further, offering advice on all-grain recipes and a cheat sheet on imitating your favorite store-bought brands.

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