Have you ever thought about which chicken breed fits your personality? Whether you’re a relaxed free spirit or a high-energy go-getter, our fun and interactive What’s Your Chicken-ality quiz will reveal your ideal feathered counterpart!
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Suggested Podcast
How Hot Is Too Hot for Chickens?
How cold is too cold, and how hot is too hot for poultry? Dalia Monterroso of Chickenlandia talks extreme weather poultry and breeds like easter egger chickens.
Chick and Chicken Injuries
Find out how to identify and treat common poultry ailments as our guests discuss chick injuries, symptoms and treatment, flock biosecurity for bumblefoot, splay leg, and more.
Why Chickens Lay Eggs
How many eggs does a chicken lay a day? And why do chickens stop laying eggs? Dr. Patrick Biggs shares about egg production in your backyard flock.
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Learn about methods for breeding heritage chickens to achieve a hardy and productive flock designed for the modern homesteader.
How to Knit Animals: Fox and Hen Reversible Knit Toy Patterns
This clever knitted toy transforms from fox to hen for hours of imaginative play.
The Icelandic Chicken: A Heritage Chicken Breed for Modern Homesteads
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