Hone your hunting skills before heading outdoors. Learn how to find a good hunting spot on public land, how to layer for cold weather hunting, and more.
In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Dennis Biswell, a long-time outdoorsman and Mother Earth News staff member, shares his knowledge about honing your hunting skills before you head into the outdoors. We’ll be covering scouting, placing your shot, survival tips, and hunting ethics.

Dennis Biswell is an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys a variety of outdoor activities. He’s been fishing for nearly 60 years. Dennis primarily fishes for pan fish (bluegill, sunfish, crappie), largemouth bass, catfish (channel and flathead catfish), and rough fish such as carp and drum. Per his preference, Dennis chooses to fish on private property in ponds, small watershed lakes, streams, and creeks; and he uses artificial lures, live worms, grubs, grasshoppers, minnows and other small bait fish, and other “natural” bait such as liver and dough baits for carp and channel catfish. He’s written articles on tanning hides, hunting, processing deer, and other outdoor skills in MOTHER EARTH NEWS and Grit magazine. He’s also given presentations at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIRS on processing deer, tanning hides, creating patterns, sewing home-tanned leather, and outdoor survival skills.
You can connect with Dennis at DBiswell@OgdenPubs.com.
Additional Resources
Give the gift of MOTHER EARTH NEWS for the holidays! Now through December 31, 2022, check out our holiday deals:
MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair All-Access Gift Subscription
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Kansas hunter safety course (Check your state’s Department of Natural Resources for your state hunting safety course.)
National Wild Turkey Federation
Pheasants Forever
Ducks Unlimited
Hear more from Dennis and some of our other friends in our past episodes:
Freshwater Fishing Tips and Strategies
Hunting Small Wildlife
Game Hunting
Leathers and Furs: Preserving Animal Hides
Upland Game Birds
Check out these articles by Dennis:
Navigating by the Stars
Fashion a Paracord Firearm Sling
Our Podcast Team:
Carla Tilghman and Jessica Mitchell, with special thanks to John Moore
Music: “This Strange Article” by One Man Book
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Go to the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR page for an opportunity to see some of our podcast guests live.
The Mother Earth News and Friends Podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications.