Using Wood Chips in the Garden

Reader Contribution by Naquela Pack and Insight 2 Heal
Published on April 26, 2020
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Last spring, I spent hours digging raised beds in an 80-by-130-foot community garden plot. The weeds were fierce, and although the walking paths were nice, they became overrun by the overzealous grasses of the northern Midwest. Oh, and don’t forget the mud puddles from the above-average rainfall last spring.

There are obvious benefits to the raised garden bed method, but my experience last spring made me wonder about other methods I could incorporate into my own home garden this year, back in Kansas after living in Thailand and then a stint in Fargo, North Dakota.

A gardening community group on Facebook, Wichita Black Growers, is where I was reintroduced to the wood chip mulch method. A post from the administrator of the group included some photos and the multitude of benefits he and his family were reaping from using the wood chips.

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