Growing My Self-Sufficient Diet with Perennials

Reader Contribution by Jo Devries
Published on May 24, 2021
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Wild garlic (background) with trout leaf (foreground) Photo by Jo deVries

I am so happy that we’ve already enjoyed over a month of spring weather here in Ontario, Canada. The chickens are doing well, and I’ve just been blessed with my third hatch of chicks (and one awesome miracle! See next month’s blog post). My two weaner pigs have only had to endure a bit of snow and enjoy snuggling in their bed of straw when not digging up the earth. They are tearing up everything except the elderberry bushes (which is toxic to them so they avoid it; another miracle), and turning over my first serious garden.

My son, Jordan, who bought a chainsaw last fall, has already felled and blocked a dozen trees, and two other friends have helped by dropping two very large trees that were dying and leaning toward an area I want to fence for the elderberry grove.  o, here we are in full swing, and there is much to be happy about.

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