Permaculture Gardening With Rabbits

Reader Contribution by Michelle Martin
Published on April 30, 2014
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We first got two rabbits about 18 months ago. We named them Stew and Dumpling. We built standard hutches for them to live in and also a portable run that we could move around the garden. We found that this worked relatively well, but rabbits don’t really like to be picked up and it was time consuming catching them to put them in the run. Also, we felt, that this was not how nature intended rabbits to live and so started to look to the wild to give us ideas.

About a year ago, we constructed two rabbit runs. First, we had to ensure they couldn’t dig their way out, so fencing was laid on the ground and joined to the bottom of the fences placed around the edge of the runs. The internal fence could be removed easily for when we wanted to mate them or clean out Stews run. The doors of the cages were removed and they could move freely around the run. Obviously the fencing on the floor is not natural so we moved soil and covered it over, hoping that nature would intervene and plants would appear. We placed massive logs and tree roots into the runs, allowing the rabbits to feel like they had a little burrow they could hide in. The rabbits loved it, obviously better than a cage but we still were not happy with it.

Stew and Dumpling had babies last August. This meant we needed another run for the kits to go in when they were weaned. We wanted to develop the idea of a burrow for them and then we had a brain wave (well my husband did!)

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