Organizing a Neighborhood Permaculture Convergence, Part 2

Reader Contribution by Jan Spencer
Published on October 12, 2015
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The Expo was free and open to the public.

Over a month ago, I wrote about the upcoming 2015 Northwest Permaculture Convergence. Better late than never, here is a report on the Convergence and some other topics of interest. The Convergence took place August 28 to 30, 2015, in Eugene, Oregon.

What is a Permaculture Convergence?

First, a permaculture convergence, or conference, is a coming together of people interested in permaculture. Typically, there are presentations, plenary sessions, networking, perhaps hands on skill building. There might be tours of the site or nearby places of interest that show what applied permaculture looks like.

Most convergences take place at a community college or in rural areas like a private property or retreat center. The 2015 Northwest Convergence took place in a neighborhood recreation center in the midst of suburbia. Having a friendly and familiar neighborhood recreation center was a big asset to organizing the event. The theme was “Greening Our Neighborhoods With Permaculture.”

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