Calendula Flower Benefits: Growing and Using Multipurpose Calendula

Calendula flowers make a lovely floral component for an organic vegetable garden. Plus, they pull their weight in terms of productivity: The petals are edible and can be used in skin-healing salves and balms.

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Kongs
Updated on October 2, 2024
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by Adobestock/Africa Studio
Fresh and dried calendula flowers in mortar on wooden background

Learn the multiple calendula flower benefits and the different calendula uses in cooking, skincare properties, and garden companion planting.

I’ve long grown flowers, especially marigolds and sunflowers, as part of my organic vegetable garden. The pollination and potential companion-planting benefits have always served as my excuse to add some plants that are “just pretty” to my otherwise utilitarian, food-producing plot.

Calendula Uses

This year, I took my marigold planting up a notch and decided to grow Calendula officinalis, known commonly as calendula, instead of the more common marigolds of the Tagetes genus.

Skincare Properties

I chose to do so because I wanted to take advantage of the skin-healing properties associated with calendula in the officinalis species. Many companies have taken advantage of these properties and created fine body care products with calendula infusions or calendula essential oil. So, why not grow this multipurpose flower to make my own products?

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